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جهاز عرض بروجيكتور صغير Mini Portable Projector - Dupamine Store - 35.000

Mini Portable Projector

35.000 JD
We apologize for the lack of a description. It will be written as soon as possible. Please contact us to answer all your inquiries on the phone or on WhatsApp...
الميدالية الذكية مزودة بتطبيق Smart Finder jo - Dupamine Store - 9.000

Smart Medal with Smart Finder jo app

9.000 JD
We apologize for the lack of a description. It will be written as soon as possible. Please contact us to answer all your inquiries on the phone or on WhatsApp...
سلة مهملات خاصة بالسيارة - Dupamine Store - 6.000

car trash can

6.000 JD
We apologize for the lack of a description. It will be written as soon as possible. Please contact us to answer all your inquiries on the phone or on WhatsApp...
مستشعر حركة الدروج والنوافذ والابواب مع تنبيه - Dupamine Store - 14.000

Stairs, windows and doors motion sensor with alert

14.000 JD
We apologize for the lack of a description. It will be written as soon as possible. Please contact us to answer all your inquiries by phone or WhatsApp on 0775497837....
جهاز اخافة الكلاب الضالة وابعادها بالموجات فوق الصوتية - Dupamine Store - 12.000

Ultrasonic dog repellent device

12.000 JD
We apologize for the lack of a description. It will be written as soon as possible. Please contact us to answer all your inquiries on the phone or on WhatsApp...
كرسي هزاز للأسترخاء - Dupamine Store - 57.000

Rocking chair for relaxation

57.000 JD
We apologize for the lack of a description. It will be written as soon as possible. Please contact us to answer all your inquiries on the phone or on WhatsApp...
قفل البصمة الإلكتروني للادراج والخزائن - Dupamine Store - 22.000

Electronic fingerprint lock for drawers and cabinets

22.000 JD
We apologize for the lack of a description. It will be written as soon as possible. Please contact us to answer all your inquiries on the phone or on WhatsApp...
جهاز مساج بطريقة العجن خماسي الأبعاد - Dupamine Store - 25.000

5D Kneading Massager

25.000 JD
We apologize for the lack of a description. It will be written as soon as possible. Please contact us to answer all your inquiries on the phone or on WhatsApp...